Project Outcomes WP2

In this work package 28 unique non- Europian participants participated in a series of workshops according to the following agenda:

AP/RCA: April 20, 22 and 26 2021: 3 half days 

Entrepreneurship in art education

JAMK: 30 May & June 1 2021: 2 half days 

Branding, Career Development, Artist Management

Italian partners: June 8 (CONSAQ) & June 14 (Univaq & ABAQ): 2 half days

Learning form students, Entrepreneurship and territory: some good practices


Useful outcomes

  • Sharing of experiences and knowledge with partner organizations 
    • clarifying the concept of entrepreneurship
    • being able to compare the challenges and outcomes of partner organisations
  • real case studies and practical experience of students' projects
  • initial knowledge about the methodology of teaching entrepreneurship, which will be necessary for further training.
    • Leadership in project
    • Music branding
      • the first training sessions are very interesting, the examples of concrete projects.
      • using creativity to activate synergies with the territory. 
    • video mapping event and new practices in visual arts.
  • For further information please referer to the attached file.