This Dissemination and Exploitation Plan has been developed to ensure the sustainability, exploitation and utilization of the MUSAE Project outcomes, as well as to raise awareness about project activities, aims, objectives and outcomes. Development of the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan is a partial activity of Work Package 6 led by the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, the National Institute of Fine Arts and Design of Tashkent, and with the support of the local coordinator Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The MUSAE Project Dissemination plan supports the overall operation of project content and spreading its outcomes at the institutional, national and international level during and after the end of the project period. It defines the aim of dissemination and exploitation activities, target audience and ways of dissemination and utilization of project results by partner institutions from Palestine (PS), Tunisia (TN), and Uzbekistan (UZ).